Cavinton Vinpocetine, 50 Tabs
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Cavinton Vinpocetine, 50 Tabs

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Canvinton is a natural nootropic compound also konwn as Vinpocetine. It is a vinca alkaloid supplement that's semi-synterically derived from vincamine. 

These alkaloids are extracted from the Periwinkle, Vinca Minor and Crioceras Longiflorus plants that are native to many parts of Europe and have been used for centuries in various cultures for natural remedies. 

Cavinton is considered the best and most researched of the compounds, with a very low toxiticity level and full range of benefits related to the brain and cognitive functions. 

Vincamine is also often used as a nootropic agent to combat the effects of aging and to promote increased blood flow to the brain. 

  • $20.00
  • Weight
    0.25 lbs
  • SKU